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Python Custom Exceptions

Python Custom Exceptions are user-defined exceptions that inherit from the built-in Exception class or another subclass of Exception.

By defining a custom exception, you can provide more descriptive error messages and handle exceptional situations in a way that is meaningful to your particular application.

How to define a Custom Exception

In Python, you can define custom exceptions by creating a new class that is derived from the built-in Exception class.

The syntax to define custom exceptions is the following:

class MyCustomException(Exception):

then you can raise this custom exception, using the raise statement:

raise MyCustomException("This is a custom error message.")
  • When you are developing a large Python program, it is a good practice to place all the user-defined exceptions that your program raises in a separate file.
  • Many standard modules define their exceptions separately as or (generally but not always).


Let's define a custom exception called InvalidAgeException.

This exception is raised when a user enters an age under 18, which would indicate an invalid voting age.

# define Python user-defined exceptions
class InvalidAgeException(Exception):
"Raised when the input value is less than 18"

# you need to guess this number
min_allowed_age = 18

age = int(input("Enter your age: "))
if age < min_allowed_age:
raise InvalidAgeException
print("Eligible to Vote")

except InvalidAgeException:
print("Exception occurred: Invalid Age")

So, if the input of the user is greater than 18, then:

Enter a number: 25
Eligible to Vote

If the input of the user is smaller than 18, then:

Enter a number: 15
Exception occurred: Invalid Age

Customizing Exception Classes

You can also add attributes and methods to custom exceptions, similar to regular classes.

For example, you can override the __str__ method to customize the string representation of the exception, or add additional data that can be accessed when the exception is caught:

class MyCustomException(Exception):
def __init__(self, message, custom_data):
self.custom_data = custom_data

def __str__(self):
return f"{super().__str__()} - Additional Info: {self.custom_data}"

Raising and handling this custom exception will look like this:

raise MyCustomException("An error occurred", {"detail": "Some detailed info"})
except MyCustomException as e:
print(e) # Outputs: An error occurred - Additional Info: {'detail': 'Some detailed info'}

The inherited __str__ method of the Exception class is then used to display the corresponding message when MyCustomException is raised.