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Python complex() Function

The complex() function returns a complex number by specifying a real number and an imaginary number.

It can also convert a string to a complex number.


The complex number is returned in the form of real + imaginary, where the imaginary part is followed by a j.



complex() Parameters

Python complex() function parameters:

realOptionalThe real part of the complex number.
Default is 0.
imaginaryOptionalThe imaginary part of the complex number.
Default is 0.

complex() Return Value

Python complex() function returns a complex number.


Create complex numbers

You can create a complex number by specifying real and imaginary parts.

x = complex(3, 2)
print(x) # Output: (3+2j)

x = complex(-3, 2)
print(x) # Output: (-3+2j)

x = complex(3, -2)
print(x) # Output: (3-2j)



Create complex numbers by omitting arguments

If you omit one of the arguments, it is assumed to be 0, because the default value of real and imaginary parameters is 0.

# omit imaginary part
x = complex(3)
print(x) # Output:(3+0j)

# omit real part
x = complex(0, 4)
print(x) # Output: 4j

# omit both
x = complex()
print(x) # Output: 0j

Create complex number without using complex() function

It's possible to create a complex number without using complex() function: you have to put j or J after a number.

a = 2+3j
print('a =',a)
print('Type of a is',type(a))

b = -2j
print('b =',b)
print('Type of b is',type(a))

c = 0j
print('c =',c)
print('Type of c is',type(c))


a = (2+3j)
Type of a is <class 'complex'>
b = (-0-2j)
Type of b is <class 'complex'>
c = 0j
Type of c is <class 'complex'>