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YAML Mappings

A YAML file is rarely used to describe a simple scalar. Most of the time, it describes a collection.

YAML collections can be a sequence or a mapping of elements.

In YAML, the collection is represented with proper sequence styles.

YAML Mappings

A mapping is a container consisting of key-value pairs where the keys must be unique.

YAML mappings are also known as associative arrays, hash tables, key: value pairs.

Mapping Styles

Like sequences, there are two ways to write a mapping.

Block Style version

In the block style, each key is written on a new line, followed by a colon (:). The value can be placed either on the same line, or on the following line, indented one level:

name: "Tom"
age: 23

Flow Style version

In the flow style, the mapping is enclosed in curly brackets ({...}), colons (followed by spaces) (: ) are used to separate keys and values, and key-value pairs are separated by commas (,):

person: {name: "Tom", surname: "Nolan", age: 23}

Type of Mappings

We can classify mappings in four different types:

  • Simple mapping
  • Sequence mapping
  • Nested mapping
  • Mixed mapping

Simple Mapping

In simple mapping, we will provide a key in the first part, and then separate with a colon and space (,):

host: tutorialreference-host
student: Tom

Sequence Mapping

We can map the value of the key in sequence.

Block Style Example
student: Tom
- Maths
Flow Style Example
student: Tom
hobbies: [Maths, ICT]

Nested Mapping

The mappings can be nested within each other.

Block Style Example
host: tutorialreference-host
location: italy
cab: 10
cab_unit: 2
Flow Style Example
host: tutorialreference-host
datacenter: {location: italy, cab: 10, cab_unit: 2}

Mixed Mapping

In mixed mapping, we have both mappings and sequences as values.

Block Style Example
student: Tom
fatherName: Ryan
motherName: Lucy
- Maths
Flow Style Example
student: Tom
details: {fatherName: Ryan, motherName: Lucy}
more: [Maths, ICT]