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Batch Script Relational Operators

Relational Operators

Relational operators allow of the comparison of objects.

The following table lists the available relational operators.

EQUTests the equality between two objects2 EQU 2 will give true
NEQTests the difference between two objects3 NEQ 2 will give true
LSSChecks to see if the left object is less than the right operand2 LSS 3 will give true
LEQChecks to see if the left object is less than or equal to the right operand2 LEQ 3 will give true
GTRChecks to see if the left object is greater than the right operand3 GTR 2 will give true
GEQChecks to see if the left object is greater than or equal to the right operand3 GEQ 2 will give true


The following code snippet shows how the various operators can be used.

Example of Relational Operators
@echo off 
set /A a=5
set /A b=10
if %a% EQU %b% echo A is equal to than B
if %a% NEQ %b% echo A is not equal to than B
if %a% LSS %b% echo A is less than B
if %a% LEQ %b% echo A is less than or equal B
if %a% GTR %b% echo A is greater than B
if %a% GEQ %b% echo A is greater than or equal to B
A is not equal to than B
A is less than B
A is less than or equal B