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Sass: @function Directive

@function Directive

Functions allow you to define complex operations on SassScript values that you can re-use throughout your stylesheet.

They make it easy to abstract out common formulas and behaviors in a readable way.

Functions are defined using the @function at-rule, which is written @function <name>(<arguments...>) { ... }.

A function’s name can be any Sass identifier.

It can only contain universal statements, as well as the @return at-rule which indicates the value to use as the result of the function call. Functions are called using the normal CSS function syntax.


@function pow($base, $exponent) {
$result: 1;
@for $_ from 1 through $exponent {
$result: $result * $base;
@return $result;

.sidebar {
float: left;
margin-left: pow(4, 3) * 1px;

and the generated .css output:

.sidebar {
float: left;
margin-left: 64px;

Function names, like all Sass identifiers, treat hyphens and underscores as identical. This means that scale-color and scale_color both refer to the same function.


Arguments allow functions’ behavior to be customized each time they’re called. The arguments are specified in the @function rule after the function’s name, as a list of variable names surrounded by parentheses.

The function must be called with the same number of arguments in the form of SassScript expressions. The values of these expression are available within the function’s body as the corresponding variables.

Optional Arguments

You can make an argument optional by defining a default value which will be used if that arguments isn’t passed. Default values use the same syntax as variable declarations: the variable name, followed by a colon and a SassScript expression.


@function invert($color, $amount: 100%) {
$inverse: change-color($color, $hue: hue($color) + 180);
@return mix($inverse, $color, $amount);

$primary-color: #036;
.header {
background-color: invert($primary-color, 80%);

and the generated style.css output

.header {
background-color: #523314;

Keyword Arguments

When a function is called, arguments can be passed by name in addition to passing them by their position in the argument list.

This is especially useful for functions with multiple optional arguments, or with boolean arguments whose meanings aren’t obvious without a name to go with them. Keyword arguments use the same syntax as variable declarations and optional arguments.


$primary-color: #036;
.banner {
background-color: $primary-color;
color: scale-color($primary-color, $lightness: +40%);

and the generated style.css output

.banner {
background-color: #036;
color: #0a85ff;

Taking Arbitrary Arguments

Sometimes it’s useful for a function to be able to take any number of arguments. If the last argument in a @function declaration ends in ..., then all extra arguments to that function are passed to that argument as a list. This argument is known as an argument list.

@function sum($numbers...) {
$sum: 0;
@each $number in $numbers {
$sum: $sum + $number;
@return $sum;

.micro {
width: sum(50px, 30px, 100px);

and the generated style.css output

.micro {
width: 180px;


The @return at-rule indicates the value to use as the result of calling a function. It’s only allowed within a @function body, and each @function must end with a @return.

When a @return is encountered, it immediately ends the function and returns its result. Returning early can be useful for handling edge-cases or cases where a more efficient algorithm is available without wrapping the entire function in an @else block.

@use "sass:string";

@function str-insert($string, $insert, $index) {
// Avoid making new strings if we don't need to.
@if string.length($string) == 0 {
@return $insert;

$before: string.slice($string, 0, $index);
$after: string.slice($string, $index);
@return $before + $insert + $after;