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Sass At-Rules and Directives

Sass At-Rules and Directives

Much of Sass’s extra functionality comes in the form of new at-rules it adds on top of CSS:

  • @use loads mixins, functions, and variables from other Sass stylesheets, and combines CSS from multiple stylesheets together.
  • @forward loads a Sass stylesheet and makes its mixins, functions, and variables available when your stylesheet is loaded with the @use rule.
  • @import extends the CSS at-rule to load styles, mixins, functions, and variables from other stylesheets.
  • @mixin and @include makes it easy to re-use chunks of styles.
  • @function defines custom functions that can be used in SassScript expressions.
  • @extend allows selectors to inherit styles from one another.
  • @at-root puts styles within it at the root of the CSS document.
  • @error causes compilation to fail with an error message.
  • @warn prints a warning without stopping compilation entirely.
  • @debug prints a message for debugging purposes.