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YAML Ordered Mappings

YAML Ordered Mappings with !!omap

!!omap defines an ordered sequence of key:value pairs without duplicates.

For example:

ordered: !!omap
- Tom Nolan: 23
- Ryan Raynolds: 45
- Thomas Anderson: 28
Equivalent JSON
"ordered": [
{"Tom Nolan": 23},
{"Ryan Raynolds": 45},
{"Thomas Anderson": 28}

Note where the !!omap type is specified in the yaml file to preserve the order of the elements!


You can also use the flow style to define an ordered mapping:

ordered: !!omap [Tom Nolan: 23, Ryan Raynolds: 45, Thomas Anderson: 28]

The !!omap tag may be given explicitly.

Alternatively, the application may choose to implicitly type a sequence of single-key mappings to ordered maps. In this case, an explicit !seq transfer must be given to sequences of single-key mappings that do not represent ordered maps.