Sass Interpolation
Interpolation can be used almost anywhere in a Sass stylesheet to embed the result of a SassScript expression into a chunk of CSS.
Just wrap an expression in #{}
in any of the following places:
- Selectors in style rules
- Property names in declarations
- Custom property values
- CSS at-rules
- @extends
- Plain CSS @imports
- Quoted or unquoted strings
- Special functions
- Plain CSS function names
- Loud comments
@mixin corner-icon($name, $top-or-bottom, $left-or-right) {
.icon-#{$name} {
background-image: url("/icons/#{$name}.svg");
position: absolute;
#{$top-or-bottom}: 0;
#{$left-or-right}: 0;
@include corner-icon("mail", top, left);
Interpolation is useful for injecting values into strings, but other than that it’s rarely necessary in SassScript expressions. You definitely don’t need it to just use a variable in a property value. Instead of writing color: #{$accent}
, you can just write color: $accent