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Python String capitalize() Function

The String capitalize() method returns a copy of the string with its first character capitalized and the rest lowercased.


The method does not change the original string.



capitalize() Parameters

Python String capitalize() function does not take any parameters.

capitalize() Return Value

Python String capitalize() function returns a new string with the first character capitalized and the rest of the characters in lowercase.


Example 1: Capitalize a String with capitalize() method

The capitalize() method is used to convert the first character of the sentence string to uppercase and the other characters to lowercase.

For example:

my_str = 'tUtORIALReFErEnCe'
result = my_str.capitalize()
print(result) # Output: Tutorialreference



Example 2: Capitalize a String with Non-Alphabetic First Character

If the string has first character that is non-alphabetic, the first character is kept unchanged while the rest of the string is changed to lowercase.

my_str = '123 Is A Number.'
result = my_str.capitalize()
print(result) # Output: 123 is a number.


123 is a number.

Example 3: capitalize() does Not Change the Original String

The capitalize() method returns a new string and does not modify the original string.

For example:

my_str = 'tUtORIALReFErEnCe'
result = my_str.capitalize()

print(f"Before capitalize(): {my_str}") # Output: Before capitalize(): tUtORIALReFErEnCe
print(f"After capitalize(): {result}") # Output: After capitalize(): Tutorialreference


Before capitalize(): tUtORIALReFErEnCe
After capitalize(): Tutorialreference