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Python String rjust() Function

The String rjust() method returns right-justified string of length width. Padding is done using the specified fillchar (default value is an ASCII space).


The original string is returned as it is, if width parameter is less than or equal to string length.


my_string.rjust(width, fillchar)

rjust() Parameters

Python String rjust() function parameters:

widthRequiredThe length of the string
fillcharOptionalA character you want to use as a fill character. Default value is an ASCII space.

If fillchar is not provided, a whitespace is taken as the default argument.

rjust() Return Value

Python String rjust() function returns a new string that is right-justified within a string of the specified length, using the specified fill character.


Example 1: Right-Justify a String using rjust() method

By default, the string is padded with whitespace (ASCII space, ).

my_str = 'Right'
result = my_str.rjust(10)
print(f"'{result}'") # Output: ' Right'


'     Right'

Example 2: Right-Justify a String with Custom Padding

You can modify the padding character by specifying a fill character.

For example, right-justify a string with * as a fill character

my_str = 'Right'
result = my_str.rjust(10, '*')
print(f"'{result}'") # Output: '*****Right'



Example 3: Right-Justify a String with too small width

If the width is less than or equal to string length, then the original string is returned.

my_str = 'Right'
result = my_str.rjust(2, '*')
print(f"'{result}'") # Output: 'Right'



Equivalent Method to Right-Justify a String

You can right-justify a string as you would do with rjust() method by using format() method.

For example, using the rjust() method:

my_str = 'Right'
result = my_str.rjust(10, '*')
print(result) # Output: *****Right



This is equivalent to the use of format() method:

my_str = 'Right'
result = '{:*>10}'.format(my_str)
print(result) # Output: *****Right

