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Python String format() Function

The String format() method is a powerful method for formatting strings.

It allows you to create formatted strings by embedding variables and values into placeholders within a template string.



format() Parameters

Python String format() function parameters:

valueRequiredone or more positional or keyword arguments

However, another fundamental part is the template_str string, that contains format codes with placeholders for the arguments. The general structure of a format specifier is {``field:fill``align``sign``#``width``group``.precision``type``}.

Formatting optionsValid values
field<any number or keyword to idenfity the argument to use>
conversions | r | a
fill<any character>
align< | > | = | ^
sign+ |
width<any number>
group_ | ,
precision<any number>
typeb | c | d | e | E | f | F | g | G | n | o | s | x | X | %

template_str string can contain multiple formatter {``field:fill``align``sign``#``width``group``.precision``type``}. For example:

number = 123
formatted_result = 'int:{0:d}, hex:{0:x}, oct:{0:o}, bin:{0:b}'.format(number)

format() Return Value

Python String format() function returns a formatted string with the specified variables or values inserted into the placeholders within the template string.

Positional Arguments vs Keyword Arguments in String format()

Remember that format() method takes any number of arguments. But, they can be classified into two types of parameters:

Positional Arguments: list of parameters that can be accessed with index of parameter inside curly braces {index} (explicit positional index)

formatted_output = '{0} is {1} years old'.format('David', 25)
print(formatted_output) # Output: "David is 25 years old"

When you leave placeholders empty, the values are replaced in order (implicit positional index):

formatted_output = '{} is {} years old'.format('David', 25)
print(formatted_output) # Output: "David is 25 years old"

Keyword parameters: list of parameters of type key=value, that can be accessed with key of parameter inside curly braces {key}

formatted_output = '{name} is {age} years old'.format(name='David', age=25)
print(formatted_output) # Output: "David is 25 years old"


Example 1: Simple formatting with String format()

Comparison between default, positional and keyword arguments:

# default arguments
print("Hello {}, your age is {}.".format("David", 25))

# positional arguments
print("Hello {0}, your age is {1}.".format("David", 25))

# keyword arguments
print("Hello {name}, your age is {age}.".format(name="David", age=25))


Hello David, your age is 25.
Hello David, your age is 25.
Hello David, your age is 25.

In case of mixed arguments, keyword arguments has to always follow positional arguments.

print("Hello {0}, your balance is {age}.".format("David", age=230.2346))


Hello David, your age is 25.

Example 2: Padding and Aligning Strings with String format()

You can:

  • pad or create space around a value by increasing field size.
  • force the field to be left, right or center-aligned within the available space.

The various alignment options are:

<Align Left
>Align Right (default for numbers).
=Add padding between sign & digits. (valid for numbers only)
^Align Center

Some examples

# Align text left
left_aligned = '{:<12}'.format('Left')
right_aligned = '{:>12}'.format('Right')
center_aligned = '{:^12}'.format('Center')

print(left_aligned) # Output: 'Left '
print(right_aligned) # Output: ' Right'
print(center_aligned) # Output: ' Center '



By default, the values are padded with whitespace. You can modify the padding value by specifying a fill character.

custom_padding = '{:#^12}'.format('Center')
print(custom_padding) # Output: '###Center###'



Example 3: Truncate long strings with String format()

You can truncate long strings by using the .precision option.

For example take only the first three character of a string:

truncated = '{:.3}'.format('TutorialReference')
print(truncated) # Output: Tut



Of course, you can combine it with other formatting settings, for example:

truncated = '{:#^12.3}'.format('TutorialReference')
print(truncated) # Output: ####Tut#####



Example 4: Format integer numbers with String format()

Python provides various type codes to format integers:

bBinary format
cCorresponding unicode character
dDecimal Integer
oOctal format
xHex format (lowercase letters)
XSame as x, but uses uppercase letters
nNumber (Same as d, except it uses current locale setting for number separator)

Some examples:

# integer
print("integer: {:d}".format(123)) # Output: integer: 123

# float
print("float: {:f}".format(123.123456)) # Output: float: 123.123456

# binary
print("bin: {0:b}".format(12)) # Output: bin: 1100

# octal
print("oct: {0:o}".format(12)) # Output: oct: 14

# hexadecimal
print("hex: {0:x}".format(12)) # Output: hex: c


integer: 123
float: 123.123456
bin: 1100
oct: 14
hex: c

If you want to add the prefix 0b, 0o, or 0x to the output value, you have to specify # format option.

# integer
print('hex:{0:#x}; oct:{0:#o}; bin:{0:#b}'.format(12))


hex:0xc; oct:0o14; bin:0b1100

Example 5: Format float numbers and decimals with String format()

For floating points, there are additional formatting options by specifying left justification, zero padding, numeric signs, total field width, and digits after the decimal point.

Following type codes are used to format floating points and decimal values.

eExponential notation. (lowercase e)
EExponential notation (uppercase E)
fDisplays fixed point number (Default: 6)
FSame as f. Except displays inf as INF and nan as NAN
gGeneral format. Rounds number to p significant digits. (Default precision: 6)
GSame as g. Except switches to E if the number is large.
%Percentage. Multiples by 100 and puts % at the end.

Floating point numbers are rounded to 6 decimal digits by default.

For example, if you want to limit the number of digits after the decimal point, you can specify precision option.

result = '{:.2f}'.format(3.141592653)
print(result) # Output: 3.14



If you want to display numbers in scientific (exponential) notation, you use type code e or E (for uppercase letter)

result = '{:.2e}'.format(3141592653)
print(result) # 3.14e+09



You can format numbers as percentages using the type code %. It multiplies the number by 100 and displays in floating-point f format, followed by a % percent sign.

result = '{:.2%}'.format(1/4)



Example 6: Format Signed Numbers with String format()

Negative numbers are prefixed with a sign by default. However, you can specify the sign format option for number types:

+Displays sign for both positive and negative numbers
Displays sign only for negative numbers
spaceDisplays space for positive numbers and a minus sign for negative numbers

For example, show sign for both positive and negative numbers:

result = '{:+.2f}, {:+.2f}'.format(1.23, -1.23)
print(result) # Output: +1.23, -1.23


+1.23, -1.23

For example, show sign only for negative numbers:

result = '{:+.2f}, {:+.2f}'.format(1.23, -1.23)
print(result) # Output: +1.23, -1.23


+1.23, -1.23

By default negative numbers are prefixed with a sign, so {:-f} is same as {:f}

When you use ' ' (space) for sign option, it displays a leading space for positive numbers and a minus sign for negative numbers.

result = '{: .2f}, {: .2f}'.format(1.23, -1.23)
print(result) # Output: 1.23, -1.23


 1.23, -1.23

Example 7: Padding Integers and Float numbers with String format()

In a similar way,you can pad a number by increasing field width.

For example, you can add a padding to a number

result = '{:5d}'.format(123)
print(result) # Output: ' 123'



For example, you can add leading zeros to a number by specifying 0 as fill character:

result = '{:0>5d}'.format(12)
print(result) # Output: '00012'



For floating points, the padding value represents the length of the complete output (including decimal point and decimal digits). For example, let's padding zeros to a floating point:

result = '{:06.2f}'.format(12.3456789)
print(result) # Output: '012.35'



You can control the position of the sign relative to the padding using = alignment option. For example, padding zeros to a negative number:

result = '{:0=8d}'.format(-123)
print(result) # Output: '-0000123'



Example 8: Add Thousands Separator with String format()

The group format option ,, _ can be used as a thousand separator.

print('{:,}'.format(1234567890)) # Output: 1,234,567,890
print('{:_}'.format(1234567890)) # Output: 1_234_567_890



Example 9: Add Nibble Separator with String format()

For Hex, Octal and Binary numbers, _ underscore can be used to separate nibbles (nibble = 4 bits, i.e. 4 digits of a binary number).

print('{:_b}'.format(0b01010101010)) # Output: 10_1010_1010



Example 10: Datetime formatting with String format()

You can use the format() method to format a datetime object.

For example:

import datetime
my_date = datetime.datetime(2001, 5, 18, 12, 00, 00)
my_str = '{:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}'.format(my_date)
print(my_str) # Output: 2001-05-18 12:00:00


2001-05-18 12:00:00

Example 11: Parametrized formats in String format()

Python allows all of the format options to be specified dynamically using parametrization.

For example, let's parametrized fill, alignment and width:

result = '{:{fill}{align}{width}}'.format('center', fill='*', align='^', width='12')
print(result) # Output: ***center***

