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Python String zfill() Function

The String zfill() method returns a new string obtained by padding the string with zeros on the left side to ensure it reaches a specified length width.


If width is less than or equal to string length, then the original string is returned.

This method is particularly useful for formatting numbers or strings to a fixed width, especially when dealing with numeric strings that need to be aligned for display or processing purposes.



zfill() Parameters

Python String zfill() function parameters:

widthRequiredThe length of the string with zeros padded to the left

zfill() Return Value

Python String zfill() function returns a copy of the string with 0 filled to the left.

The length of the returned string depends on the width parameter:

  • If width is less than or equal to string length, then the original string is returned.
  • If width is greater than string length, then the string with padding is returned.


Example 1: Zero Padding on the Left of a String with zfill()

This example demonstrates the basic usage of the zfill() method by padding a string with zeros to reach a specified length.

For example, let's pad with zeros to make it 5 characters long:

my_str = "123"
result = my_str.zfill(5)
print(result) # Output: 00123



Of course zfill() method works with any type of character (and not only with digits):

my_str = "abc"
result = my_str.zfill(5)
print(result) # Output: 00abc



Example 2: Zero Padding on the Left of a String with Sign Prefix

If the string contains a leading sign + (plus) or - (minus), the zero digits are correctly padded after the sign character.

my_str_positive = "+123"
my_str_negative = "-123"

result_positive = my_str_positive.zfill(5)
result_negative = my_str_negative.zfill(5)

print(result_positive) # Output: +0123
print(result_negative) # Output: -0123



The leading + (plus) or - sign is counted as a character in the string!

my_str = "+123"

print(my_str.zfill(4)) # Output: +123
print(my_str.zfill(5)) # Output: +0123



Example 3: Zero Padding on the Left of a String with smaller width

If the original string is already longer than the specified width parameter, then no padding is added.

For example, let's try to pad a string of length 6 with zeros with width=5:

my_str = "123456"

result = my_str.zfill(5)
print(result) # Output: 123456



Equivalent method to Zero Padding on the Left a String

You can obtain the same result of zfill() method by using the format() method.

An example using zfill() method:

my_str = "25"
result = my_str.zfill(6)
print(result) # Output: 000025



and equivalent example that uses format() method:

my_str = '25'
result = '{:0>6}'.format(my_str)
print(x) # Output: 000025
