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Python String translate() Function

The String translate() method is used to replace specific characters in a string with other characters or remove them altogether. It requires a translation table that maps the characters to be replaced to their replacements.


The translation table can be generated using the maketrans() static method.

## Syntax


translate() Parameters

Python String translate() function parameters:

tableRequiredA translation table that maps the characters to be replaced to their replacements.

translate() Return Value

Python String translate() function returns a string where each character is mapped to its corresponding character as per the translation table.


Example 1: Replacing Characters with maketrans() and translate()

This example demonstrates how to use translate() with a translation table generated by maketrans(). It replaces vowels with digits in the string "tutorialreference".

text = 'tutorialreference'
table = str.maketrans('aeio', '4310')
translated_text = text.translate(table)
print(translated_text) # Output: tut0r14lr3f3r3nc3



Example 2: Removing Characters with maketrans() and translate()

This example shows how to use translate() to remove characters from a string. It removes all vowels from "tutorialreference".

text = "tutorialreference"
vowels = "aeiouAEIOU"
table = str.maketrans("", "", vowels)
translated_text = text.translate(table)
print(translated_text) # Output: "ttrlrfrnc"



Example 3: Replacing Characters with ASCII Mapping with translate()

This example demonstrates replacing characters using an ASCII mapping table directly with translate() method.

This replaces the t, u, r characters with the corresponding uppercase letter.

text = "tutorialreference"
table = {116: 84, 117: 85, 114: 82}
print("The string before translating is: ", text)
print("The string after translating is: ", text.translate(table))


The string before translating is:  tutorialreference
The string after translating is: TUToRialRefeRence

Example 4: Removing Punctuation with maketrans() and translate()

This example removes all punctuation from a string using translate() and a translation table generated by maketrans().

import string

text = ""
table = str.maketrans("", "", string.punctuation)
translated_text = text.translate(table)
print(translated_text) # Output: httpstutorialreferencecom



string package offers has a predefined string containing all punctuation symbols. You just need to import string package to use it.

import string

