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Python String endswith() Function

The String endswith() method checks if a string ends with a specified suffix. It returns True if the string ends with the specified suffix, and False otherwise.


my_string.endswith(suffix, start, end)

endswith() Parameters

Python String endswith() function parameters:

suffixRequiredAny string you want to search
startOptionalAn index specifying where to start the search. Default value is 0.
endOptionalAn index specifying where to stop the search. Default value is the end of the string.

suffix parameter can be a Tuple of suffixes to look for.

endswith() Return Value

Python String endswith() function returns a boolean:

  • True if a string ends with the specified suffix.
  • False if a string does not end with the specified suffix.


Example 1: Check if a string ends with a given suffix

For example, let's check if the string ends with est:

my_str = 'Big, Bigger, Biggest'
suffix = 'est'

result = my_str.endswith(suffix)
print(result) # Output: True



If the suffix does not appear as suffix of the given string, then endswith() method will return False:

my_str = "Big, Bigger, Biggest"
suffix = 'Aaa'

result = my_str.endswith(suffix)
print(result) # Output: False



Example 2: Check if a string ends with a given suffix with start and end indexes

If you want to limit the search to a substring of the given string, you can specify the start parameter and/or the end parameter.

my_str = 'Big, Bigger, Biggest'
suffix = "est"

# endswith()
result = my_str.endswith(suffix)
print(result) # Output: True

# endswith() after 4th index
result = my_str.endswith(suffix, 4)
print(result) # Output: True

# endswith() between 4th and 6th index
result = my_str.endswith(suffix, 4, 6)
print(result) # Output: False



Example 3: Check if a string ends with a Tuple of possible suffixes

You can pass multiple suffixes to the endswith() method in the form of a Tuple. If the string ends with any item of the tuple, the method returns True, otherwise returns False.

my_str = 'Tom is a CEO'
suffixes = ('CFO','CEO','COO')
result = my_str.endswith(suffixes)

print(result) # Output: True


my_str = 'Tom is a Dev'
suffixes = ('CFO','CEO','COO')
result = my_str.endswith(suffixes)

print(result) # Output: False



It works also with start and end parameters:

my_str = 'Tom is a CEO and a Dev'
suffixes = ('CFO','CEO','COO')

print(my_str[6:12]) # Output: a CEO
result = my_str.endswith(suffixes, 5, 12)

print(result) # Output: True


 a CEO